This week has been a bit drama free so far and the little there is I realise, is of my own doing. It's as though I am addicted to drama in a way and having a day go by quietly is almost too much to take. It shouldn't surprise me much because this is what happens when you begin to stagnate in your relationship with Christ, which is exactly what has happened to me in the last few weeks and months.
Stagnating comes upon you suddenly. Oh no, you never plan to get in that situation but if you're anything like me, all it takes is missing church a few times, deciding to forgo Wednesday service and forfeiting quiet time everyday. It comes when you decide your bible is too heavy for your bag and after all I have the "downloaded" version on my phone. Never mind that I hate reading the small text on my phone, but I convince myself that the bible is technically always there for me.
The biggest tell tale sign however, is when you begin to ask people for advice instead of God, your maker and the One who will always lead and guide you through troubled waters safely to the other side. I have recently relied heavily on the advice and companionship of others to navigate some tough decisions regarding work and relationships.
This morning, I realised the extent of my folly for human beings are great and can make great friends and mentors but their motives are subject to change and what may have started off as a genuine relationship can somewhere down the line deteriorate into a competition fuelled by envy or jealousy,
God is the same yesterday, today and forever more. With that comes a stability that is hard to match or find elsewhere. Over 2000 yrs later and the Word remains the same. Unchanging, steadfast and full of grace,love and mercy. So when next you feel yourself getting caught up in the spiral of human relationships and wondering who is on your side and who exactly is against you, just remember God's promises and be rest assured that the Lord is on your side.
Romans 8:31
"What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
As I meet SD tonight, I want to remember this truth and remember that God is for me, in every sense of the word.
Just before publishing this post, I got a text from my uni "friend", saying "Do you want to head out Wed or Thurs this week?" I didn't even bother to ask "where are we meant to be going?" The flippancy with which he is suggesting a dirty weekend away with him just proves exactly what I was saying up there. We need relationships that seek to serve and not to "use". I thank God for the revelation of what's really important and the wisdom to say no to this fool. (I replied saying, no thanks but have fun)
thanks so much for sharing..i need this :)